License Search

Citations and Disciplinary Actions

Glossary & Disclaimers

License Status Glossary

A license may exist in any of the following statuses:

  • Canceled — The licensee is prohibited from operating. A licensee with a canceled license may reapply as a new applicant and must meet the current requirements for approval.
  • Current — The license is valid. The licensee can operate prior to the license expiration date. Licenses in "Current" status may be subject to certain probationary terms and restrictions.
  • Delinquent — A license is delinquent if not renewed by its expiration date. A licensee may not operate until the license is properly renewed.
  • Revoked — The Bureau has taken away the license to operate. The former licensee no longer holds a license with the Bureau as a result of disciplinary action.
  • Suspended — The licensee is prohibited from operating for a specified period of time.

While a status search is a good starting point to gain information about a licensee, it will not provide you with any underlying documents regarding that licensee. For example, a license that appears as "current" in the Online License Verification may nevertheless be on probation. For this reason, the Bureau also posts certain documents regarding its licensees, if any such documents exist, online. You are strongly encouraged to view the Citations and Disciplinary Actions section above. For any questions you may have, please contact the Bureau at the following address:

Bureau of Household Goods and Services
Attention: Enforcement Unit
4244 South Market Court, Suite D
Sacramento, CA 95834

To facilitate a response to your request, please include the full name and license number of the licensee.

Disciplinary Action Glossary

  • Accusation — A formal, written statement of charges filed against a licensee.
  • Cite and Fine Order — Licensee is issued a citation and required to pay a fine commensurate with the violation committed.
  • Default Decision — Licensee fails to respond to an accusation by filing a Notice of Defense or fails to appear at an administrative hearing.
  • Effective decision date — The date the disciplinary decision/order goes into operation.
  • Letter of Public Reprimand — A formal reprimand issued by the Bureau, which could be in lieu of filing a formal accusation.
  • License # / Unlicensed — If a license number is listed for a business, the business was either licensed, registered, or permitted at the time of posting.
  • Revoked — The license is voided and the right to practice has ended.
  • Revoked, stayed, probation — "Stayed" means the revocation is postponed, put off. Professional practice may continue so long as the licensee complies with specified probationary terms and conditions. Violation of probation may result in the revocation that was postponed by the stay.
  • Statement of Issues — Charges filed against an applicant to deny licensure due to alleged violations of the Electronic and Appliance Repair Dealer Registration Law, Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation Act, or Household Movers Act.
  • Stipulated settlement — The case is negotiated and settled prior to hearing.
  • Surrender of license — While charges are still pending, the licensee agrees to turn in the license — subject to acceptance by the board.
  • Suspension — The licensee is prohibited from practicing for a specific period.
  • Writ — An appeal filed by the licensee in Superior Court asking the court to overturn the Bureau's decision.


The Bureau of Household Goods and Services provides information regarding administrative disciplinary actions for immediate access and the convenience of interested persons in accordance with the California Business and Professions Code §27. While the Bureau believes the information to be reliable, human or mechanical error remain a possibility, as does possible delay in the posting or updating of information.

Neither the California Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), the Bureau or any of the sources of information shall be responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the use or results obtained from the use of this information. Please contact the Bureau if you find any inaccuracies.

To obtain available materials of any of the disciplinary actions, send your written request, including the name and license number of the licensee, to:

Bureau of Household Goods and Services
4244 South Market Ct, Ste D
Sacramento, CA 95834

or fax it to: (916) 921-7279

or email: Send a message
